Professional Safety Management
Glooscap Health and Safety provides professional Safety Management services.
We can assess your organization’s or project’s needs, then recommend and deliver customized Health and Safety services and training.
We provide a wide range of Health and Safety services that fit your individual, project, organizational or community needs.
We will be happy to
discuss your ideas.
Interested in services
not listed here?
Our services can range from full Safety Management of a project to weekly site visits or reports, all tailored to your needs.

Glooscap Landing
(Solar Array)

Nova Scotia Power
(Archeological Dig site)

Minas Basin Pulp and Power
(Dam Refurbishment)
Spirit of the Wolf
Glooscap First Nation Health and Healing Centre

Glooscap Health and Safety has been fortunate to receive support through First Nation Inuit Health to provide Health and Safety Services through the Spirit of the Wolf Program to Atlantic Indigenous Health Centres.
Safety Program
A Safety Program helps guide your organization along its journey of safety. Your Safety Program states your commitment to keeping your employees and workplaces safe and healthy and provides a roadmap on how your organization plans to make it happen.
We customize each Safety Program to the organization based on the the specific business needs and the risks the employees face.
Whether you are just getting started or have some safety elements already in place, we can provide you with an assessment and make recommendations to tailor a plan to fit your workplace safety needs.
Safety Management System
We can develop a full Safety Management System (SMS) for your organization. After carrying out an initial assessment of the current safety environment, we can develop and implement a full SMS. If you don’t require a full SMS, we can develop and implement only one or a few specific areas where you have a need.
Our SMS services include but are not limited to:
Coaching your employees
Observing tasks
Site / Workplace Inspections
Assisting to create emergency floor plans, training and maintenance matrices
Many other components that can make your workplace safer.
Safety Management
GHS can assist your organization in reviewing contractor’s safety documentation to ensure they meet industry standards, creating Contractor Safety Programs and other documents you may need as the company owner and conducting site visits to observe and report on their safe work practices.
A contractor is someone whom you hire on a short-term basis, usually for a project or repairs. Although they are not employees, the organization who hires the contractor is still responsible for their safety while under contract or on their property.
Choosing a safe contractor and ensuring they work safely are important elements in reducing incidents, keeping everyone safe and the project on schedule.
Third Party Site Visits
A Third Party Site Visit is like your eyes and ears on the ground.
The site visit can provide you with the knowledge of how safe your employees or contractors are at your workplace.
We can provide you with a customized report on all things safety.
Our report can include how hazards are being managed on site, whether programs and policies are being followed, whether PPE is being worn properly, whether the proper training is in place, how records are managed, and so much more.

Fishing Safety
Fishing is considered one of Canada’s most dangerous jobs. Ensuring your vessels are prepared in an emergency – with the right equipment, knowledge and skills – is vital to a safe and healthy season.
Glooscap Health and Safety can work with you and your captains to make sure the right safety procedures are in place.
We’ll help your captains know what safety equipment they need on their vessel, as well as the required training for captain and crew. We’ll help them develop safety procedures and drills. We’ll also help them keep track of their documents through Safety Program /
Policy Development, Captain’s Safety Days, and Practical On-Board Safety Days.
Let us help you put your mind at ease, knowing you have done all you can to keep your crews and vessels safe.