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Pjila'si ~ Welcome to

Glooscap Health and Safety Consulting

We hope you find useful information here to aide in improving or maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.

We believe that workplace safety, wellness and incident reduction arise from a culture of safety that we are working toward building with our clients and community.  Wela’lin ~ Thank you for doing your part!

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Health & Safety Consulting

Glooscap Health and Safety is a member of the Glooscap Ventures group of companies and is owned by the Glooscap First Nation community.

Glooscap Health and Safety is proud to be a 100% owned and managed Indigenous company. It was born from an economic expansion within Glooscap First Nation community and the Glooscap Landing Highway Development.

Most importantly, it was born from the desire to keep everyone safe.

Glooscap Health and Safety has been providing tailored Health and Safety services since 2019. We serve clients throughout Nova Scotia and Mi’kma’ki on a wide variety of projects across many different sectors.

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What Our Clients Say
Health and Safety is a priority for our community and we put this at the forefront of all our businesses and offices.
Glooscap Health and Safety has provided professional Health and Safety Services to all our entities creating programs, coaching employees and guiding us through the phases of the pandemic.
~Chief Sid, Glooscap First Nation.

About Our Logo

Our logo brings together six distinct yet connected elements into the design.  Glooscap, sweetgrass, the eagle, canoe and the whale/wave are all components that combine to create our brand mark. The diamond outline represents a structure for oneness and stability where at the core it represents an energy of well-being (health and safety). 

Like our logo we view Health and Safety elements as components of a larger system that all work together to positively increase safety for all. The elements of a program, training needs, coaching, orientations, audits and inspections all work together in a holistic approach to create the safest environment practicable for the workers, management and business owners.

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